
Farmington Library Lobby Pickup Coming Soon!

The Farmington Libraries will be expanding services, on a limited basis, beginning Monday June, 22nd.
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An Announcement from the Farmington Libraries

As you know, the Farmington Libraries have been providing a curbside pickup service since May 28. Governor Lamont has given the green light for libraries to reopen their doors to the public as of June 17. We are pleased to announce that we will do so on a limited basis beginning Monday, June 22

However, significant changes will need to be in effect for at least the first few weeks in order to protect your health as well as that of the libraries’ staff. As is the case for most public spaces these days, you will be required to wear a mask before entering the building. Plexiglas shields have been installed on all of the service desks, and social distancing markers are in place on the floors. 

Our hours and days of service will remain the same as they have been since May 28. The main library will be open Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM to 2 PM, and will be closed on Saturday and Sunday. Barney Library will be open from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM Monday through Thursday and Saturday. Barney will be closed on Friday and Sunday. 

If you visit us as a family please keep the number of people in your group as small as possible. Children (other than infants) will need to wear face masks while in the building. Those who are over 65 years of age or who have health conditions that make them more susceptible to infections should keep their visits to the library to a minimum.

Curbside service will move indoors – meaning that you will still be able to place an order for materials from home which you can pick up at a table set up in the lobby. We encourage you to do so. There will be no seating areas, and print versions of magazines and newspapers will not be available. The book drop must be used for all materials being returned. Oversized items that do not fit into the book drop are the only materials that may be brought into the building. 

For the time being you will not be able to browse the shelves and the Children’s Room will be closed. Passport services will not be available. It will not be possible to place holds, but if you placed one before March 17 it will remain in suspended status until that service is resumed. 

A limited number of public computers will be available at the main library, but you will need to make an appointment to use one, and there will be a one hour time limit. Computers will not be available at Barney. We will answer reference questions, provide reader’s advisory, and assist you with using the library’s catalog to identify materials you want to borrow, which a staff member will then retrieve for you. You will be able to send a fax or have copies made at the main library, but a staff member will assist you with those services.

The past few months have been a challenging time for everyone, and we wish we could go back to normal immediately. We realize that the temporary measures we have put into place will have a big impact on your customary library experience. It is essential, though, that we take things slowly at first in order to ensure that we can remain open now that we are permitted to do so. As time goes on we will gradually reinstate more and more of the outstanding services that you have come to expect from us. Meanwhile, we look forward to welcoming you back!

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