Farmington Library Accepting Book Donations

Farmington Library Accepting Book Donations
The Friends of the Farmington Libraries are in need of donations of gently used books to support an upcoming sale beginning on June 5, as well as ongoing sales in the library’s Book Nook. Adult and children's books, hardcover and paperback, fiction and non-fiction, in excellent condition are especially appreciated. Games, puzzles and unique vintage books that are clean and intact are also needed. Donations can be brought to the circulation desk at the main Farmington Library at 6 Monteith Drive.
Please note that the Friends cannot accept books or other items in poor condition. VHS tapes, encyclopedias, magazines, Reader’s Digest condensed books, travel guides, books on finance or health dated prior to 2019, and other time-sensitive materials also cannot be accepted.
The profits from all sales are used to support high quality library programs for children and adults and help in the purchase of needed books, technology items and other library materials. Many of the supplies and services available in the library would not be available without the help of the Friends.